This prayer of St Teresa blew me away!  It spoke to so many unanswered questions concerning doing God’s will that had puzzled me until now.  We, like Jesus, have been given a share in the heavenly kingdom in this life. God’s gifts are manifold, yet not manifested in worldly pleasures or comforts, for these are but shadows, ephemera. God gifts to those he truly loves immense suffering just as he gave to his only beloved son the torments of the Cross.  For it is by overcoming suffering through accepting the will of God that we are purified and learn to cast off the hollow pleasures of this world to seek the infinitely greater riches of the spirit within.   Bharti

PRAYER:   There is no danger, my brothers and sisters,

that when you say to God,

‘thy will be done’,

you will be showered

with riches, or pleasures, or great honors,

or any earthly good.

God’s love for you is not so lukewarm.

God places a higher value on your gift,

wishing to reward you generously,

since you have been given a share

in the heavenly kingdom

even in this life.

See the prayer of Jesus answered

with trials, with sufferings, insults, and persecutions,

until at last

his life ended on the cross.

These are heaven’s gifts in this world,

and God grants them

as a sign of affection for us —

to each of us

according to the courage and the love

we bear for God.

Fervent love can suffer much,

tepidity very little.

For my part, I believe that

our love is the measure of the cross we bear.

MANTRA:  Let me not forget

how God answered the prayers of his own son.

EVENING PRAYER:  I should not expect a shower

of riches, or pleasures, or great honors,

or any earthly good.

Rather you may reward me

as you rewarded your Son.

Even so, my heavenly Father,

‘not my will, but yours be done’.

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